venerdì 16 aprile 2010

Profilo: Silvia and Irene

Silvia Matricardi

Graduated in foreign modern languages and literature with a specialization in intercultural communication she has always dealt with the management of international cultural projects. Keen on travelling since the age of 16 when she took her first tour in the United States West Coast, she has turned her passion into a profession. At present she takes care of the organization and touring for an Umbrian company that produces and exports Opera, for which she has managed concert and opera tours in Europe, Japan, Canada, USA, China, Russia and Qatar. She often travels for work, but once her office’s door closes she loves exploring spots and authentic customs of the places she visits, whether they are on the other side of the World or in Umbria, her land, that she deeply loves.In the past she has also collaborated with two incoming tour operators; she is now studying to acquire the title of touristic operator and deepening her knowledge of Umbria traditions.

Irene Matricardi

After graduating if Modern Foreign Languages, Irene has been developing her passion in travelling, first by living 1 year in Germany, where she has improved her knowledge of the German culture. Afterwards trhough a long journey in Beijing (China) where she has been living, working – and obviously travelling- for nearly 5 years. What she has been enjoying at most during all this time is the international environment around her, the joy of new daily challenges in a different country and culture and last but not least, the pleasure of visiting new beautiful places. No matter where she is going to be in the future…She will keep on travelling.

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